The Next 7 Days of Us
Arts in the Triangle

VOL 4, NO. 03

About Us

Our arts communities have had a time of it over the past ten to fifteen years. With the evolution of social media, the ability to reach audiences expanded exponentially – a person no longer had to have a physical copy of a zine or publication or see a poster out in the wild to find shows to see or gigs to play. You could reach hundreds if not thousands of interested people with a single post and clever low cost marketing.

This ability has crumbled once again, however, under the weight of constantly changing algorithms and the constant demands of capitalism to monetize, well, everything, online. The supposed democratization of information turned once hallowed arts papers into barely held together zines that are but a shadow of what they once were, while all of the important information they used to hold is splintered into social media groups and independent websites that you may never know to look for.

Right here in the Triangle, we have an incredible and diverse arts scene. Some of the best music in the country gets its start here; our theater productions move to Broadway; we host a dance festival filled with so much talent, people travel from across the country to participate in it. We have visual and performing artists, comedians, film makers, and so much more, but if you're not constantly plugged in to exactly the right spaces at the right times, it's impossible to find it all. With dozens of venues, tourism departments, arts councils, companies, galleries, and artists curating individual feeds, calendars, and social media accounts, how do you make sense of it?

If you're an artist, how do you reach a new audience that doesn't already know you're there? When you’re casting a show or building a band, where do you find new talent?

That’s where The Next 7 Days comes in. We're going to keep it all in one place for you.

The Next 7 Days is a project we – theater artists ourselves – have built to support our vibrant local arts community. You can find live productions or film showings, live music or comedy nights, visual art exhibits – if it’s happening in our defined geographical radius, we’re going to be working our behinds off to get it in front of you so you never have to find another site or miss another fabulous performance.

This sounds ambitious and fun and you want to support us? Awesomesauce! Pitch in a dollar or five. We’ll NEVER charge you to find out when and where something great is happening or to let someone else know where something great is happening, but those dollars will help us to keep the calendar filled to bursting, put up killer reviews to help you choose what to see next, and if you’re all super generous, help us put together some supporting grants for artists. We believe we can help bring some democracy back to information sharing online – we’d love to have your help!

What Is The Triangle?

As people who have lived here for decades now, we feel like this becomes a more and more difficult question to answer, so we decided on a definition that we feel does pretty good justice: a 35-mile circle around the geographical center of Raleigh, Durham, and Chapel Hill. We've detailed the entire methodology on this page and have listed out what communities that includes. We're not getting crazy exact with it. 35 miles covers "Burlington", if something is happening in Burlington but the specific address falls outside of that circle, we'll list it. We just needed to have some sort of boundary, so if a city center falls inside our circle we'll include anything with that address.

How can I post events?

So glad you asked. Right now, as we're getting going, we're limiting who can post events on an invitation only basis. We're hoping to get through this pretty quickly and open up publicly, but in development there's always some bugs and we'd like to get through that with a fairly small user base. If you're interested, shoot us an e-mail, and we'll talk! At first we'll probably limit this to people we personally know just in case something breaks, but we'll open wide soon!

There are three different user types:

  1. An individual artist (actor, musician, what-have-you) that will allow you to self-promote your art, as well as post classifieds in the Artists Seeking Artists section. (in development)
  2. An organization (theater company, band, dance troupe, etc.) that will allow you to post your events, as well as post classifieds in the Artists Seeking Arists section. (in development)
  3. A venue. That will allow you to list events happening at your venue.

User loginThis website is in Alpha v1.2